Compliance training helps to ensure that employees are adhering to the regulations and laws required of them and that their actions do not put the organisation they are representing in a difficult or even illegal position. Failure to comply with legislation can result in hefty fines and even imprisonment. The Bribery Act 2010 is very powerful UK legislation put in place to ensure individuals and organisations comply with four key laws related to bribery. These are:
- Bribing
- Receiving a bribe
- Bribing a foreign official; and
- Failing to prevent bribery
- Teacher: Adair Ford
The idea that working at desks, or using display screens, can be damaging to your health is now well established. But it’s not just desk-bound workers that are vulnerable. In today’s highly computerised age, employees in many fields now spend more time than ever before in front of screens.
The big problem is the gradual nature of the damage caused. Just like you don’t notice the daily aging of your body, poor working conditions take a slow but serious toll on your body. This course will help you set up your workstation to minimise any potential damage to your health.
- Teacher: Adair Ford
Compliance training helps to ensure that employees are adhering to the regulations and laws required of them and that their actions do not put the organisation they are representing in a difficult or even illegal position. Failure to comply with legislation can result in hefty fines and even imprisonment. The Equality Act 2010 is the main piece of UK legislation put in place to protect individuals from discrimination and to promote equality in the workplace.
This equality and diversity e-learning course helps explain the protections for people under the law, but further than this, it sets out why it is important that everyone is included, how we should respond to specific situations and the benefits of a diverse workforce. The aim is to help develop a culture of diversity where everyone is respected, supported and treated equally.- Teacher: Adair Ford
Financial Crime involves illegal acts committed by individuals or groups of people to obtain a financial or professional advantage. This type of crime has become big business for criminals who have a variety of different methods of generating illegal income.
This Financial Crime Essentials e-learning course
focuses on raising awareness of the different types of financial crimes, how
they are perpetrated and what this can mean for individuals and organisations.
It also looks at the individual’s responsibilities regarding financial crime,
the due diligence they should perform, spotting warning signs and reporting
suspicious activity.
Learners will become more aware of the dangers and what actions organisations and individuals can take to make sure they do not become victims of financial crime.
- Teacher: Adair Ford
It is a legal requirement for employers to provide information, instruction and training about fire safety in the workplace (Fire Safety Regulations – The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005).
In this fire safety e-learning course your learners will gain the knowledge and understanding required to ensure they can act safely in the event of a fire as well as being able to apply principles that will help reduce the likelihood of fire occurring in the first place.
- Teacher: Adair Ford
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the EU legislation put in place to protect people’s personal information. Its aims are simple – to ensure that data held about individuals is used fairly and lawfully. For example, most of us don’t want to be plagued with unwanted junk mail, e mails or telephone calls. There is also a risk that our information could be used for criminal purposes if it gets into the wrong hands. Sometimes the information that is held about us can be wrong.
There are probably many other potential problems
that you can think of so you will understand why our information needs to be
protected. In this course, your participants will learn the data protection
principles and the simple steps organisations and individuals can take to make
sure they comply with them.
- Teacher: Adair Ford
Employees can be the biggest information security weakness to an organisation. It’s critical that employees are educated in the risks that cyber security threats pose to them and their business and that they know how to safely use the tools and information that is available to them.
This Information Security Suite is a collection of e-learning modules aimed at the most important elements of a safe approach to cyber security. The modules cover…
- Protection from Malware
- Passwords
- Social Engineering
- Surfing the Web
- Phishing Emails
- Social Networking
- Mobile Devices
Each learning module covers the topic in full and provides an individual assessment, so you can gather ‘sign-off’ for your learner’s completion of every topic.
This e-learning aims to raise awareness of information security, providing guidance and information that will help ensure your organisation and its employees avoid the potential pitfalls of poor cyber security practices.
This e-learning would be a great addition to Induction processes and where you need to provide policy understanding and sign-off throughout the business.
- Teacher: Adair Ford
No one plans to injure themselves while lifting or moving items at work. But it happens, a lot. Poor manual handling technique is a major cause of workplace injuries. And the subsequent musculoskeletal injuries sustained can range from mild discomfort to severe pain to more serious life-changing conditions.
And it’s not just about the injury to your body. Lengthy absence from your work can be damaging to your bank balance, your career and your happiness, too. This short e-learning course will help you understand the fundamentals of manual handling to help you avoid injuries and stay fit and healthy at work.- Teacher: Adair Ford
Slips and trips are the most common cause of workplace injury. Fortunately, most are minor and don’t result in serious injury. But many do cause serious problems for the victim. And each year a large number of people suffer life-changing injuries.
The good news? Preventing slips and trips is relatively easy by applying a range of sensible measure that control the risk. This short e-learning course will give you the fundamental knowledge you need to keep yourself and others safe at work.- Teacher: Adair Ford
Every year around half a million people in the UK suffer from cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety. The UK economy lost nearly 12 million working days last year alone. And stress accounted for 37% of all work related ill health.
So, stress is a major health issue, and if you’re suffering from it, you’re not alone. There are many factors that contribute toward stress. And technology has not helped by blurring the lines between the office and your free-time. This short course will help you learn the fundamentals of this important issue and be better able to identify, understand and overcome stress risk factors.- Teacher: Adair Ford