Violence at work is a topic that people in senior roles often avoid talking about. However, crime surveys tell us that there are a significant number of violent occurrences and even more threats to employees each year, particularly when online threats are taken into account. Employees don’t need to be in ‘high risk’ roles to be affected either, with people being affected in all walks of life and many different jobs.

The Health and Safety Executive defines Violence at Work as any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work.

Aside from the considerable impact on the individual, violence at work can affect businesses too. Some of the known implications are; higher sick leave, low productivity and profitability and issues with recruitment and retention of staff. Being aware of, and knowing how to manage and reduce risks should be top of all managers priorities. This e-learning course provides everything required to heighten awareness of workplace violence concerns and to help control the risks.