Employees can be the biggest information security weakness to an organisation. It’s critical that employees are educated in the risks that cyber security threats pose to them and their business and that they know how to safely use the tools and information that is available to them.

This Information Security Suite is a collection of e-learning modules aimed at the most important elements of a safe approach to cyber security. The modules cover…

  1. Protection from Malware
  2. Passwords
  3. Social Engineering
  4. Surfing the Web
  5. Phishing Emails
  6. Social Networking
  7. Mobile Devices

Each learning module covers the topic in full and provides an individual assessment, so you can gather ‘sign-off’ for your learner’s completion of every topic.

This e-learning aims to raise awareness of information security, providing guidance and information that will help ensure your organisation and its employees avoid the potential pitfalls of poor cyber security practices.

This e-learning would be a great addition to Induction processes and where you need to provide policy understanding and sign-off throughout the business.